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emissions management
Overcoming the Greatest Challenges of Oil & Gas Emissions Management

Navigating the shifting tides of the energy landscape demands a reevaluation of how companies manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially within the oil...

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emissions management
Carbon Tracking and Reporting 2024 Conference: Envana Software Solutions

Emissions Management Beyond Carbon Accounting Presentation by Roxanne Nielsen, VP of Products, Envana Software Solutions | March 28, 2024 Edited for clarity |...

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emissions management
Navigating the Challenges of Achieving Net Zero: Insights from CERAWeek 2024

Realizing Value from Emissions Data Presentation by Nagaraj Srinivasan, Board Co-Lead of Envana Software Solutions/SVP, Halliburton Landmark, and Philip...

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emissions management
What You Need To Know About O&G Methane Emissions Monitoring

Methane emissions monitoring has become a critical focus area as regulatory pressures and economic considerations continue to drive operational changes within...

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emissions management
Manage New Oil & Gas Regulations With Emissions Management Software

As a business in the oil and gas industry, you need to stay on the cutting edge of emissions management. But this is no easy task. In 2024, companies face a...

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emissions management
Net Zero as a Catalyst for Oil and Gas Industry Transformation

Unveiling Opportunities: Net Zero as a Catalyst for Oil and Gas Industry Transformation

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emissions management
Oil and Gas Methane Reporting and Carbon Accounting

Paul Hajek, Envana Software Solutions Director of Revenue Operations with Delfina Govia, Host of OGGN ESG Energized Podcast - Methane Mitigation Summit -...

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emissions management
Oil and Gas Data Management Software Solving Energy Transition Challenges

Excerpts of the CERA Week 2023 presentation by Nagaraj Srinivasan (Envana Board Co-Lead/Senior Vice President of the Landmark and Halliburton Digital Solutions...

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emissions management
Clearing the Air: How Envana is Updating Oil & Gas Carbon Management

Jake Corley - Digital Wildcatters | Roxana Nielsen, VP of Products, and Philip Richard, Dir. of BD and Alliances - Envana

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